Welcome to the Nurture podcast/ blog.

Let’s create the beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Ginger Edwards Ginger Edwards

Nurture Pod 30: The Time We Give Ourselves

In this episode Iris and Ginger chat about time. How it works us or how we work it. 

Life in the modern world can easily become chunks of time segmented into work lists and goals. Do we intentionally create times to escape that dynamic or does that become more of the same?

When are we free from time? Why does every minute need to count? How much time do we spend worrying about how much time we have? 

This and more as we wander gently through this rain soaked January. 


To find more about classes and courses Iris is offering visit

To find Ginger's events, coaching and courses visit:

Many thanks to the talented Kathryn Claire for the use of her "Bakers Song" as our intro and exit music!

Find all of her songs at her https://kathrynclairemusic.com/home

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Ginger Edwards Ginger Edwards

Nurture Pod 29: New Year, New Adventures!

In this episode Iris and Ginger welcome in 2025 with a big announcement. If life is change then 2025 will be living with no holds barred. 

A shorter episode in recognition of one giant step at a time. 

The reminder to pace yourself when change is underway is the nurture lesson of the day. 


To find more about classes and courses Iris is offering visit

To find Ginger's events, coaching and courses visit:

Many thanks to the talented Kathryn Claire for the use of her "Bakers Song" as our intro and exit music!

Find all of her songs at her https://kathrynclairemusic.com/home

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Ginger Edwards Ginger Edwards

Nurture Pod 28: Winter Solstice

Welcome to the longest night of the year. (in the Northern Hemisphere)
The cold dark winter stretches out before us as the Earth tilts it's northern hemisphere to it furthest point away from the Sun. 

From this portal of solar alignment comes Solstice images, symbols and mythology that cultures across the planet celebrate. 

The world tree. 
The virgin birth. 
Light entering the darkness. 
Just to name a few.

On this special Solstice episode, Iris and Ginger talk about how these symbols of the season resonate with their own timeless power regardless of what religious or cultural context they are found in.  

How does any of this apply to our lives today? 
More than you think it does. 


To find more about classes and courses Iris is offering visit

To find Ginger's events, coaching and courses visit:

Many thanks to the talented Kathryn Claire for the use of her "Bakers Song" as our intro and exit music!

Find all of her songs at her https://kathrynclairemusic.com/home

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Ginger Edwards Ginger Edwards

A Winter Solstice Tale

Winter Solstice is Christmas’s older sibling.

Born when their parents were still wild and partying, she was left to her own feral devices most of the time.

Back then the family moved around a lot and her parents were constantly breaking up and getting back together.

Although she knew she was loved there wasn’t much in the way of stability.

When Christmas came along he was a sign that her parents had finally settled down.

He was a planned pregnancy. The hoped for child. He marked a new era for the family.

Winter Solstice by this time was already living on her own, away at school, making her own friends.

It wasn’t that she didn’t love the new baby or that she wasn’t happy for her parents, but their new family didn’t seem to have a place for her.

Every year her birthday fell just 4 days before Christmas.

Sometimes, a family member would remember to send her a card but mostly she’d celebrate by herself.

After all, it was hard to be noticed when Christmas was celebrated in the same week. Presents were stacked up in piles for him. Lights, parties, decorations, feasts and songs. Everyone would gather together to celebrate his big day.

As Solstice grew older she found she enjoyed spending more time alone.

She was an avid hiker and traveler. Often she would disappear into the mountains to meditate at some retreat center and not be heard from for the rest of the year.

When a member of the family did reach out to her they always received a thoughtful hand written letter in return. She had a particular knack for knowing wise things to say, especially in times of grief or crisis. Mostly though, people just forgot about her.

Over time things got increasingly rough in the family. There were lots of fights, illnesses and all kinds of stress.

Even Christmas was feeling the pressure of having to cheer everyone else up on his birthday.

“At least we have that to look forward to.” they’d say. “Nothing else has gone right this year, maybe Christmas will make up for it.”

It was getting to the point that Christmas didn’t even feel it was about him at all, just more of an excuse to blow off steam.

One early December day he decided to call up his older sister, Solstice for advice. Everyone always said how smart she was- apart from being a weirdo.

Christmas! How lovely to hear from you. Is everything ok?” Solstice answered her phone on the first ring, expecting it must be an emergency of some sort.

Hey Solstice. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve called you. I didn’t know if you were in cell range or what. Thought I’d give it a try.” Christmas said awkardly. He didn’t think she’d actually pick up and now that he had her, he wasn’t sure what to say.

I’m so glad you did. What can I do for you little brother?” Solstice walked around her cabin in an attempt to find better reception.

Well honestly I’m just not that excited about my party this year.” Christmas sighed. “The family wants to have this big thing but it’s more nostaglia about how happy they were when I was as a baby. No one really cares about how I am right now.”

Hmmm.. yes I can see that.” Solstice replied staring out her kitchen window at the thick snow flakes beginning to fall. “I mean, at least they’re celebrating and having fun right?”

Yeah, I guess it just feels weird now. I was thinking maybe I could come visit you this year. Get away from it all.” Christmas asked, surprised by himself.

Me? Well.. that would be fine but just so you know I live a pretty quiet life. It gets dark around 4pm and there’s nothing much to do after that. Sometimes a few folks come over and we sing or tell stories”. Solstice stammered, trying to picture her brother sitting in the dark with her.

You mean there’s no TV up there?” Christmas asked in horror.

No. I don’t have anything like that. Not even a computer. I live pretty much off grid.”. Solstice emphasized, amused by his reaction.

Christmas backpedaled, “I mean I don’t want to miss my own party. I guess. I just thought I might celebrate it with you instead”.

“I celebrate in my own way.” Solstice assured him. “Because we were both born at the dark of the year I like to celebrate the darkness. The quiet of the snow, the stars at night. My birthday is the longest night of the year you know. Yours is pretty close.

Urgh yeah, I hate how dark it gets.” Christmas said fidgeting with his lighter “It’s like my actual day is so short and no one celebrates yours at all anymore. All I want is peace in the family and for the party to feel like it’s legit about me.”

Yes, peace would be nice”. Solstice agreed “But I think for that to happen the family needs is to chill out instead of throwing a big party. If they’re so streesed then why not slow down? Everything in nature rests this time of year except them. It’s no wonder they’re so exhausted.

Yeah, you’re right.” said Christmas distractedly. “But you gotta admit the cookies are really good. I wish you’d come here if I can’t come to you.”

I’m always there in spirit, you know that.” Solstice assured him. “I mean the tree was even my idea.

They said their goodbyes as darkness settled over the forest. Solstice lit a candle and breathed a sigh of relief.

Christmas would not bother her peace and quiet. He would remain the star of his own party.

She smiled to herself and stoked her wood stove fire.

“Let each keep the darkness in their own way.” she murmured and put a kettle on for tea.

I hoped you enjoyed this little Winter Solstice tale,

Send love to our big sister this year by resting in the darkness,



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Ginger Edwards Ginger Edwards

Nurture Pod 27: The Creativity Conundrum

As 2024 draws to a close Iris and Ginger spiral around creativity. 

What does it mean to live a creative year, month, day or even life? 

The struggle of being a working artist and knowing how to value your creative process and output. 

The culture of conformity and productivity and how that filters our creative vision. 

The big picture of life being the ultimate creative act on a wildly creative planet.  

There's no answers but lots of ideas in this one. A long and creative meandering to inspire insights as we approach the darkest point of the year.


To find more about classes and courses Iris is offering visit

To find Ginger's events, coaching and courses visit:

Many thanks to the talented Kathryn Claire for the use of her "Bakers Song" as our intro and exit music!

Find all of her songs at her https://kathrynclairemusic.com/home

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