Nurture Pod 32: The People United…

In this episode of the Nurture Pod Iris and Ginger discuss the state of these here United States from the perspective of the Unified State theory.

In challenging times it's easy to be overwhelmed, afraid, checked out and just plain baffled that these are the circumstances we now find ourselves in. Many are feeling unsure of what to do. 

While this episode provides no easy answers, it will hopefully give you a perspective shift that feels empowering and creative. And we know that curiosity and creativity is where our genius likes to hang out. 

Enjoy and please comment and star us if you find this conversation helpful!


To find more about classes and courses Iris is offering visit

To find Ginger's events, coaching and courses visit:

Many thanks to the talented Kathryn Claire for the use of her "Bakers Song" as our intro and exit music!

Find all of her songs at her


Nurture Pod 33: Survival of the Nurtured


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